Self Catering Cottages
For those who like the freedom of self-catering holidays without compromising on high quality accommodation, Burnside Park Bowness on Windermere is perfect. Burnside Park, in the English Lakes offers luxury self catering cottages and self catering apartments.
Self-catering cottages sleep up to 6 persons and all are furnished and equipped to a luxury standard, for example Nespresso coffee machines in every unit. Bed linen and towels are provided. The only extras you have to pay is for telephone calls on departure.
Our self-catering cottages are grouped below into those sleeping up to 4, 5 & 6 persons, the layouts of cottages differ slightly and all cottages with the same layout are listed together (eg: cottages 1,2,3,4 & 10 are all the same layout sleeping up to 6).
Cottages Sleeping up to 6 Persons
Cottages 1,2,3,4 & 10
Cottages 5,6,7 & 8
Cottage 9
Cottages 11,12,13 &14
Cottage 17 (Premier)
Cottages Sleeping up to 5 Persons
Cottages Sleeping up to 4 Persons
Food Shopping
Burnside Park is located just a short stroll from the centre of Bowness-on-Windermere, where food supplies can be purchased from specialist shops and a supermarkets.
Eating Out
If you don't feel like cooking, why not sample some of the many pubs, restaurants and cafes which offer a range of cuisine, from traditional fish and chips, to Mediterranean and Eastern dishes.
Eating Out Links
Shops and galleries, a cinema and a theatre are all within a five minute walk of the resort. We look forward to your arrival.
Entertainment Links
The Old Laundry Theatre
La Galerie D'Art Bowness on Windermere
Windermere Lake Cruises